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Monday 4 June 2012

Register For Gulder Ultimate Search 9 (2012)

                         Register For Gulder Ultimate Search 9 (2012)
For the past few seasons, N7.5 million and a brand ne w SUV has been at stake as the ultimate prize for the last Gulder Ultimate Search winners. This year, the stakes are higher and so is the prize money! N9 million, a brand new SUV and N500,000 swaggar allowance awaits the winner. There is also the bragging right of being referred to as an “Ultimate Champion” and subsequent induction into the Gulder Ultimate Search “Hall of Fame”.
In order to participate, you must meet the following Gulder Ultimate Search registration requirements:

Be between the ages of 21 and 30 years old
Possess demonstrable skills in the following vital areas: strength, confidence, endurance, physical and health fitness.
Carefully read and agree to the Terms and Conditions required for applicants
Fill out the on-line Entry Form and upload a recent photograph in the space provided for it on the entry form and submit the Form on-line. If you qualify a mail will be sent to your email box within 24hrs containing
(a) Terms and Conditions Form and (b). The Referee Form* as attachments
Download and carefully read the Terms and Conditions Form before signing it.
Other details/instructions will be communicated to you via email and through Gulder Ultimate search official website so ensure you check back from time to time.

* Applicant’s two referees MUST be reputable members of the society, one of whom MUST BE the applicant’s parent or guardian. The Referees must authenticate the claims of the applicant by signing the form.

==> Closing date for the online entry is September 13th, 2012.
==> Multiple registration will lead to automatic disqualification.

Go to the Gulder Ultimate Search Website now to apply for the reality TV show.


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